The World’s Party
King Belshazzar’s party is nothing less than a drunken brothel. He hosts this party to celebrate his power, might, security and greatness. As we said earlier, a Babylonian heart fuels action. Belshazzar follows a long line of pagan hearts, and he lives for his excellence. He does what he wants, when he wants, without any concern for the things of God.
Toasting Idols
As if his sin is not egregious enough, he then calls for the Temple’s anointed vessels to be brought into the party. These vessels are so holy that they are only to be handled by the priests. Now, pagans are drinking out of them and using them to toast pagan gods. The sacred vessels are used for unholy purposes.
What does this mean for you?
You, your body, has been marked by God through His Son as a holy vessel. As believers in Christ, we are anointed by the blood of Jesus. We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians 2:10). We must strive to live our lives so that we are not toasting the pagan gods of this world. We can toast the gods/idols of sports, work, money, popularity, children, grandchildren, etc. The false gods/idols of this world are endless, and they far too quickly consume our hearts.
Questions to Ask
Are you toasting the gods/idols of this world with your life? To what are you giving your life? Do you find yourself scheduling appointed moments of holiness, or are you waking up each morning ready to be the Lord’s holy vessel?