Sin Brings Pain in our Relationship with God Genesis 3:7-8 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Sin Separates us from God God created …
Blog Posts
Sin Brings Pain The natural consequence of sin is pain. Scripture – Genesis 3:6-7 – Original Sin So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and …
I do not make political posts, and I will not start today. It is my job to lead our people to think through all situations with Biblical clarity. I was sickened as I watched the hearings yesterday. In fact, I made myself watch certain parts because I needed to see for myself instead of what others are telling me. While I watched, I felt sin-stained…My sin and the sins of the world became so apparent. The focus for Sunday morning …
Psalm 23 – He restores my soul – Too Comfortable Once a sheep is cast down, he cannot return to his feet without the help of the shepherd. To understand what it means to be cast down, please read previous post. Over and over Scripture compares us to sheep. For example, Isaiah 53:6 – We all like sheep…If we are like sheep, it is wise to see how! Let’s have a chat to see how a sheep becomes cast down. …
Psalm 23: – He restores my soul The Shepherd Restores The shepherd pays meticulous attention to his sheep. He constantly scans and counts his flock throughout the day to make sure all the sheep are safe. When the shepherd notices a missing sheep, he retraces their most recent path hoping to spot the sheep. As we have mentioned before, sheep wander from the flock when they want to follow their own divergent path. However, another way a sheep separates from …
Sheep Are Defenseless – The Shepherd Defends Let’s talk sheep! We learned sheep are dumb and dirty (what a great pair). Now, we look at sheep’s ability to defend themselves. It is another sad piece of information; sheep are defenseless. Defense Mechanisms Most animals have a defensive arsenal they can use when predators approach. Let’s look at a few examples that are well known to us. Dogs bark, scratch and bite. Cats hiss, arch and claw. Snakes coil, maybe rattle, …
Songs of Preparation – Never Enough Our journey continues with abnormal songs at Easter. The song “Never Enough” is from the movie The Greatest Showman. Obviously, the songwriter intends for this song to describe a budding relationship between Jenny Lind and PT Barnum. “Never Enough” unfolds a storyline that shows nothing in this world will ever be enough if I do not have you. The intended meaning is great for the film, but every time I listen to this song …